Everyone wants something.

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I don't know how I'll find my way. I've been so lost in thought.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I have a terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible headache.

My head feels like a concrete block; except that it's also dripping like a faucet. And my eyeball is leaking. YES, I'M SRS. You see, I rarely get sick. But when I do, it hits me like a softball to the nose. (I know this because I've been hit in the nose with a softball before. Cue waiting in ER for 6 HOURS just to be prescribed benadryl.) I digress. ..And along with this hard hitting sickness, the cold always, alwaysalwaysalways, sets in my eye. Not a particular one, they take turns actually. And for as long as the sickness lasts, one of my eyes puffs up, turns red, pours liquid, and generally feels like there's an ice cold needle impaling it. Not fun, and certainly not pretty.

But anyways.

Revelation of the day: Being able to say "I'm taken" is much more effective at ridding oneself of admirers then saying "I'm not looking at the moment". Why? Because these mofos think they can change my mind. Sorry. But you can't. Please fuck off?

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