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I don't know how I'll find my way. I've been so lost in thought.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm so tired. But I can't sleep, and neither do I want to.

It's seems that I complain too much, analyze too much, express too much. I say how I feel and I'm told that I feel too much, which still bothers me. I can't help how I feel.. or what words I use to describe it. My vocabulary is limited for what bounds in this heart of mine. I think it's very important for you to know how I feel, and likewise, I love knowing what you feel, think, and your general take on things. It interests me, YOU interest me.

I get to the point of wondering "Should I shut up? Have you heard enough of my ramblings?". Then I think that maybe you're just not used to having someone who cares so much. Maybe you think that I take things much too far, move way too fast. And I hope that you don't see that as a problem.

I'm so used to being able to make things better for other people. People that I don't even really care about. When it's you, the priority to turn things around goes up 10 city blocks. But I can't always make things better. In fact, here lately, I can NEVER make things better. So naturally, my mood goes down with yours, and that never makes for a good evening.

And even when I've overreacted at something you've said and am probably acting childish about it, I still wish that you could be laid against me, your lips on my shoulder, falling asleep as I scratch your back gently. Because truly, I just want to make things better. I'm sorry that I have a tendency to make them worse with my sharp tongue.

I know what I feel and you know what I feel. I love you.

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