Everyone wants something.

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I don't know how I'll find my way. I've been so lost in thought.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This stuff is in my blood.

Summer is coming. The heat is creeping up my legs, I can taste the thickness in the air.

I want to kick my shoes off and run on gravel rocks, sit in a ditch and watch snakes writhe by whilst listening to the woods screech with life behind me, drink from a water hose, and yes, cause lots and lots of trouble.

I don't have many memories of past Springs, Autumns or Winters. Only Summer. Laying awake til the wee hours of the morning, letting the cool breeze sweep over me from my open window as I lay uncovered in bed, soaked with sweat. Ankle deep in itchy mud in the swamp behind my house. Catching all sorts of critters and carrying them home to live in my backyard. Turtles and field mice and injured birds. Picking my way through the thick jungle that we call the woods with boys my own age, arguing over who should be leading this expedition. Falling out of trees and just laying there, wondering if I'm dead.
I miss the Summers of my childhood.

Dancing. Kisses and sundresses.

This Summer is going to be the best one I've had yet. I can feel it in my hips.


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