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I don't know how I'll find my way. I've been so lost in thought.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No loose lips here.

I have just awoken from possibly the best sleep of my life. My legs are trembling.
You want to know why? Well, I think I'd rather keep it to myself. You see, my blog still has some level of privacy. It's not like your average "my experiences as a prostitute" blogs or one of those blogs posted by a middle aged woman, revealing every detail of her non existent sex life and how much she loathes her husband for forgetting to take out the trash and worrying that maybe little Johnny has unique sexual preferences.

The reason being, in this age of reality tv and internet, no one has privacy anymore. I believe there is a time and place for everything. And there most certainly is a time for keeping your own secrets.

Nowadays, drama spreads like wildfire thanks to texting. Think about being a highschooler back in the 80's. Word of mouth was exactly that. Word of mouth. You either heard it or saw it in person, or your best friend called you after school on her pink rotary phone to divulge details. These days it's as simple as pressing a button and you've sent someone's secret to everyone you know. It takes what, 5 seconds?

Social networking takes my next hit. Yes, we all love it. At least I know I do. Keeping up with the next person's every thought and photo has a charm to it. A stalker's charm, you might say. How I do love to watch a Jerry Springer episode explode on the facebook status of a 14 year old.

I suppose it's all about information. Who knows what about who and what. Where they did it, and did they use a condom!?

But I fall away from my main point. Right now, at this moment, I want to brag. I want to tell the world every minute detail of my passionate love affair with the man called Slade. But I can't and I won't because I am a subtle person believe it or not and there really IS a time and a place for everything. Now is not the time. This is not the place. I think it better to keep my secrets, as lovely as they may be, behind closed doors. They mean much more between two people that way.

The world will never know. It's just us. And oh how I love you.

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