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I don't know how I'll find my way. I've been so lost in thought.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ellen Degeneres is not high, drunk, emotionally unstable or a combination of the three.

Note to self and other potential amateur bloggers: When writing a blog, it is in the interests of yourself and your readers to not be (a) high, (b) drunk, (c) emotionally unstable (i.e. sobbing hysterically), or (d) a combination of the three. Unless of course, you want hilarious/embarrassing feedback.

Also. Am I the only woman in America who thinks Ellen Degeneres is the most beautiful person in modern showbiz? 'Cause if I am, just tell me. 

In case you're wondering, I am heterosexual. My Mother asked me once if I were a lesbian, because at the time, I was too shy to approach a certain boy that I liked. She, (who never had a bashful day in her life), took it that I wasn't really attracted to the boy and must be scared to admit to my alternative sexuality. She asked me so bluntly that it really hurt my feelings and after snapping at her the obvious truth, I burst into tears.
That aside, my sexuality has never been questioned. Yet, I think, if the opportunity arose, I would do Ellen Degeneres. I mean, is she gorgeous or what?
It's strange to think that with all the glamour girls and fashion divas in the world, the celebrity that I most admire for beauty, intelligence, and all around sexiness, should be the one woman who is open about being a lesbian. There is just something about her that radiates confidence. And well, she is beautiful.

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